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Water resources tax into a new round of tax reform hot
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-4-1 9:09:20
After the levy and tax standard adjustment, some places are actively exploring how to expand the scope of resource tax levy, Gansu and other provinces will be underground water resources into the collection scope of resource tax. Experts think, this means that a new round of tax reform will be picking up again.

Reporter learned from the water conservancy department learned that, at present, the water resource fee is the embodiment of one of the main economic lever water resource scarcity, but there are many problems in the water resource fee collection: first, industrial water, according to each enterprise pumping water pump flow and water resources fees from quantity assessment, but at present difficult collected, the enterprise out of their own interest to pursue the maximization of economic benefits, payment awareness is not strong; secondly, the living water, basically by the water company to collect water resources fee, all water users pay water charges that has to pay the water resource fee, but the standard is very low, low price actually encourage high consumption of water resources; three is the power of water, according to power generation on the water resource fee, the standard is low.
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